Magnolia Ann Memorial Tree

Hardiness Zones 4-8
The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location.
Care Information
General Care
Watering: Water 1-2 times a week. Especially when young, the soil should be kept moist. During hot or dry months, you may need to water more than once a week. Sun: Full sun is the ideal condition for the Magnolia Ann. Pruning: You can prune your Magnolia Ann immediately after it blooms. You can maintain your Magnolia as a small shrub if desired. Pruning is not required for the health of this tree.
Planting Guidelines
Plant your Ann Magnolia in a spot in your yard that receives full sun. The Ann magnolia grows in acidic, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, silty loam and well-drained soils. Plant in a hole twice as wide but just as deep as the root ball. Add a thick layer of mulch around the tree.
Winter Care
If not already planted into the ground, keep in a pot/container. The Magnolia can be kept indoors until ready to plant in early Spring. Keep in an area of full sun, water as needed. Magnolia Ann will lose all leaves in fall/winter. It blooms early in spring, when the trees are still bare.
Potting & Container
Magnolia Ann's can be grown in a container and transplanted into the ground in late winter/early spring. If keeping in a container, use a 3 gallon for the first 6-12 months. Increase container size as tree grows. Container-grown plants should be transplanted in spring or fall, mulched, fertilized at planting, and well-watered. Avoid fertilizing the tree during its slowest time of growth in fall and winter. Continued watering and mulching is required for successful establishment.
Thank you for your order, and thank you for reaching out to us. I am so very sorry to hear that the gift message was not included in your order. I understand that is frustrating for you, and it is not up to our standards.
Can you please reach out to me, I do want to make this right for you.
Thank you for your feedback. My most sincere apologies that you have not received a response to your survey until now. I know there was a lot of thought and concern put into this special gift and we want to provide only top-quality products.
Please allow us to make it right for receiving a less than stellar gift that is below our standards and your expectations. If you can please verify your address and I would be able to confirm the type of Magnolia, you received. We do in fact have a guarantee on all of our products and I would be willing to send a replacement in the Spring.
I am so sorry to hear that the tree arrived broken. We take a lot of measures to try and ensure a safe arrival of the trees and plants; Specially engineered boxes, bamboo stakes the height of the plant to help prevent crushing, extra fragile stickers and instructions on the box, watering nicely prior to shipping, double wrapping around the pot. However, not often, but sometimes, despite our best efforts, the delivery personnel do not always treat each tree as gently. Then again, the trees are pretty hardy and will usually bounce back.
If you have not done so already, please contact our office if you feel the tree is too damaged. We do have a guarantee on our products and we will discuss replacement.
We appreciate you and will do everything we can to try ensure your happiness and delight with our products and service.
Kind Regards,
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