Memorial Lemon Button Fern with Macramé Hanger

All Hardiness Zones
The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location.
Care Information
General Care
Sun: Lemon button grow best in medium, indirect light. Water: Water consistently week soil moist. If the leaves brown, add more water. Fertilizer: Add a diluted liquid fern fertilizer every few months. Prune: Prune off unhealthy or brown fronds as needed.
Planting Guidelines
Select an area with partial sun to partial shade. Choose a container that is double in size of the width of your plant. Plant your lemon button fern and water it. They do best in a container or pot.
Winter Care
Keep your lemon button fern indoor in a warm location; room temperature is ideal. Plants growth can be affected if exposed to colder temperatures.
Potting & Container
When planting your lemon button plant choose a pot with a drainage hole in the bottom. They like moisture but avoid wet soil. Use a well- draining potting mix. Hanging baskets are the best to show off this fern. The kitchen and bathroom are ideal because of the moisture.
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