In Memory White Camellia

Hardiness Zones 7-10
The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location.
Care Information
General Care
Watering: Water every 4-5 days Sun: Partial Sun/ Partial Shade. Prune: Prune your Camellia after growth breaks.
Planting Guidelines
Camellias like shade to part sun with rich soil. Plant Camellias in well-drained soil. Plant 1-2 inches above surrounding soil use mulch around the exposed root ball. Water well after planting.
Winter Care
Water Camellias thoroughly before first freeze, moist soil will protect the roots. Mulch around the Camellia to help protect it.
Potting & Container
Potted Camellias require well drained soil and partial shade. Use a container twice the size of the root ball. Adding mulch will help retain moisture.
We appreciate your business and are pleased to hear that you were able to give something meaningful to your recipient. A plant is a living reminder of their lost loved one, and a place to reminisce. Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review, and we look forward to serving you again.
Thank you for your kind words in the review. We appreciate your business.
We are committed to excellence and always strive to provide the best quality products alongside superb customer service. We are pleased to hear that were able to meet and or beat your expectations.
We of course send our thoughts, prayers and condolences to the recipient and their family. May this Camellia not only bring beauty into their home but peace and comfort into their hearts. May they feel you walk along side them during their moments of despair.
Kind Regards,
Thank you for your recent purchase. We appreciate your business.
We are so very pleased that we were able to meet your expectations. This white Camellia will sure to give lasting memories for years to come. We hope that as it blossoms that the person will feel comfort and peace.
We hope to have the honor to serve you again in the future.
Thank you for such kind words and taking the time to complete a review. We appreciate you and your business.
We take great pride in all the effort that goes into our products, from the very beginning as a seedling all the way to the special care and attention into the packaging and shipping, including every detail of customer service as well. We are very glad to hear that we were able to meet your expectations and assist in your thoughtful memorial gift.
Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. We appreciate your kind words and your business.
We are continuously working to improve the experience with our products and even our website. We are very honored to be a choice for a lasting gift that your recipients are to enjoy for years to come.
Make it a great day !
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