In Memory Lemon Surprise

All Hardiness Zones
The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location.
Care Information
General Care
Watering: These plants are pretty drought-resistant and don’t like being overwatered. This means you’ll be watering every 7-10 days. When you do water, thoroughly soak the soil, and let it drain completely. Sunlight: low-light plant that doesn’t need a lot of bright light to thrive, it still needs some light. You don’t want to do is put your Lemon Surprise plant in direct sunlight. Fertilizer: Lemon Surprise grows slowly and is therefore a light feeder when it comes to nutrients. You won’t need to fertilize much at all to keep your Lemon Surprise happy! During the spring and summer when your plant is most likely to be growing, fertilize once per month with a gentle liquid fertilizer like Indoor Plant Food.
Planting Guidelines
Does not like to sit in soggy soil for long. Make sure to use a potting mix that drains quickly so your plant doesn't have wet feet. Filtered indoor light (such as through a sheer curtain in front of a sunny window) or a semi-shade spot is an ideal location. Never place a dracaena plant in direct sun, as the rays will scorch its foliage.
Winter Care
Bring the container indoors and place it in a warm location that receives indirect sunlight. Throughout the winter, the plant will need only occasionally watering when soil becomes dry. Lemon Surprise prefers temperatures ranging from 60-85°F. Keep away from drafty windows and air conditioners.
Potting & Container
Lemon Surprise are commonly kept potted. They benefit from being repotted when they have outgrown the container. When repotting, move the plant into a container that is 2 inches larger.
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